North Texas will have another new fishing destination once Lake Ralph Hall is filled and open for recreation. While construction of the dam is underway, adolescent fish will make their new home in a pond that will eventually become part of the lake.
Lake Ralph Hall will be stocked with a variety of advanced fingerlings (young fish about the size of a finger) as part of the Texas Parks and Wildlife’s Toyota ShareLunker program. Texas Parks and Wildlife plans to stock bass and threadfin gamefish in the pond this spring so they can mature and establish a healthy population by the time Lake Ralph Hall fills up.
To help these future aquatic inhabitants, construction crews are strategically leaving some timber standing as they clear the future lake’s footprint. The standing timber will provide fish habitat, while cut timber will be collected for the Visitor Center and other local uses. In addition, crew members will create fish habitat structures by arranging rocks, logs and brush into piles and strapping them down with steel cables and earthen anchors. These structures will ideally be 20-30 feet under the lake’s surface to provide ideal fish spawning areas. Stay on top of the latest fish stocking-related information on the lake’s website at