
Home 9 Project Construction 9 Reservoir

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The Reservoir – Dam, Spillway and Intake Structure

UTRWD is building various different pieces to complete Lake Ralph Hall:

  • Leon Hurse Dam, approximately 2.3 miles long
  • Spillways (to release excess water back into the North Sulphur River)
  • Intake structure and pump station (to move water to the balancing reservoir, where it can be pumped through pipelines to treatment). The station will initially be able to pump up to 45 million gallons per day (MGD) and eventually up to 80 MGD.

Construction on the reservoir began early 2021, and work will continue through 2026.

1: Water Intake — draws water from the lake into the pump station, where it will be pumped through pipelines to treatment and delivery for Upper Trinity Regional Water District customers and made available for local use.

2: Primary Spillway — releases excess lake water into the North Sulphur River. It includes a zig-zag weir at the top of the dam to control the flow of water as it’s released from the lake.

3: Emergency Spillway — directs large amounts of runoff from particularly heavy rainstorms from the lake to the North Sulphur River.

Videos and Photos of Work on Lake Ralph Hall and Leon Hurse Dam: