Upper Trinity Awards Additional Contracts for Project
LEWISVILLE, TX – November 8, 2021: Upper Trinity Regional Water District’s Board of Directors last week authorized six additional contracts to advance the construction of Lake Ralph Hall, Texas’ newest reservoir. Contractors are already making great progress on the construction of the Leon Hurse Dam and the new State Hwy 34 bridge over the North Sulphur River, two main components of the Lake Ralph Hall project.
- Raw Water Pump Station: Freese and Nichols, Inc. will complete final design of the pump station. Upper Trinity selected Archer Western Construction, LLC as the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR).
- Raw Water Pipeline and Balancing Reservoir: The design of the 32-mile pipeline will be split into two segments: Black & Veatch Corporation will design one segment and Jacobs Engineering Group will design the second segment, as well as the balancing reservoir. AR Consultants, Inc will extend its current cultural resources work to include the raw water pipeline route.
- Lake Support Facilities: Upper Trinity selected Halff Associates, Inc to assist in planning for the infrastructure needed to support lake operations and maintenance activities.
In total, Upper Trinity authorized approximately $12.5 million in contracts to design these major components. Funding is provided in part by the Texas Water Development Board through the State Water Infrastructure Fund of Texas.
“The raw water pump station, pipeline, balancing reservoir and operations/maintenance facilities are vital in making the lake fully operational,” states Ed Motley, Lake Ralph Hall’s Program Manager. “Our goal is to have all the components completed on time to begin delivering water from Lake Ralph Hall to the people within Upper Trinity’s service area by 2026.”
For more information about the Lake Ralph Hall project, visit www.lakeralphhall.com. Stay up to date by following the project on Facebook (www.facebook.com/lakeralphhall) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/lakeralphhall1).
About Upper Trinity
Upper Trinity is a regional water district created by the Texas Legislature in 1989 for the benefit of cities and utilities in the Denton County area. Its mandate is to develop regional plans for water services, and to provide both water and wastewater services on a wholesale basis to cities and utilities within its service area, including all of Denton County and portions of Dallas and Collin Counties. Upper Trinity is a leader in public education regarding water conservation and water quality protection, and regularly conducts programs concerning drought tolerant landscape techniques, landscape practices and more efficient water use. For more information, please contact Jason L. Pierce, Manager of Governmental Affairs & Communications at 972-219-1228.